Breast Augmentation Breast Enhancement

3 Ways to Get Great Breast Augmentation Results

Breast Augmentation

There are a number of reasons you may consider breast augmentation: wanting fuller breasts for a more feminine look, to correct asymmetry or restore the youthful look you enjoyed before pregnancy and gravity and aging took their toll. Regardless of your motivation, breast augmentation is about more than just cup size for many women, so of course you want the best results. Here are three ways you can help ensure that goal.

  1. Choosing a Doctor

    Surgery is obviously a big deal, so you want to start your journey off right by finding a doctor you can trust. You want a cosmetic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, but you want someone who is board-certified and highly experienced in breast enhancement procedures as well; additional training in cosmetic surgery procedures for body contouring is an added bonus.

  2. Choosing an Implant Size

    The first thing you probably think of when planning for breast augmentation is size. It’s important to keep in mind that bigger isn’t always better. Think about what looks right for your frame, and whether larger or smaller implants would work better for your lifestyle. The best results come from maintaining realistic expectations and selecting an implant that looks natural.

  3. Consider Including a Breast Lift

    You may have appearance concerns that a breast augmentation alone won’t address, like ptosis (sagging) or lack of firmness; combining a breast lift with your augmentation removes excess skin and reshapes your natural breast tissue in addition to just adding volume with implants alone. Combining procedures is an option that can definitely help you make the most out of your breast augmentation.

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December 30, 2013
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December 30, 2013