Tummy Tuck

3 Tips to Save Your Tummy Tuck from Holiday Goodies

Holiday Goodies

Reaching your target weight before having a tummy tuck can help you achieve the best results and enjoy a sleeker abdomen after pregnancy or major weight loss. Maintaining a stable weight after your tummy tuck is an important part of ensuring that your results last long-term. Whether you are getting ready for a tummy tuck or have already had a tummy tuck, following these tips can protect your belly from extra holiday pounds

  1. Plan Ahead

    The holidays are full of decadent food from sugary desserts to carb-laden mashed potatoes served at work potlucks, family dinners and gatherings with friends. To avoid overindulging, have a snack before you head to the party and bring a healthy dish to share.

       When you think ahead and have a healthy lifestyle, you can have your holiday cake and enjoy the results of your tummy tuck too.

  2. Keep Moving

    Sticking with your exercise routine through the busyness of the holidays, especially if you are traveling, can be a challenge. Working out can help offset the added calories of a holiday meal though. You may be able to sneak in extra exercise by playing sports, ice skating or going for a walk as part of a gathering with family or friends.

  3. Remember Your Goal

    Focus on what you want to accomplish and keep tabs on your goal. Are your clothes feeling a bit snug or do they fit just right? Are you getting close to your target weight? Do you only have pockets of stubborn fat that could be removed with lipo left? Checking in on your progress to either lose weight or maintain weight may motivate you to tweak your diet and continue your commitment to healthy eating during the holidays.

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December 13, 2016
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December 13, 2016