Breast Augmentation

3 Secrets to Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

Breast Implants

Natural-looking breast augmentations are trending, while very large, dramatic implants seem to have fallen by the wayside. While working with the right plastic surgeon and clearly communicating your goals are the best ways to achieve smooth, natural-looking results, you may also want to consider these three key factors prior to your procedure to get the look you want.

  1. Choose the Right Size for Your Body Proportions

         When it comes to breast implants, bigger isn’t always better.

    In fact, if a modest, natural look is what you’re after, you’ll probably want to err on the smaller side. Keep in mind that your implants should remain in balance with the rest of your body, so choosing the wrong size of implants could make your body proportions appear unnatural.

  2. Pick Your Placement

    Generally speaking, submuscular breast implants can offer a very natural look and feel because these are placed underneath your chest muscle, allowing your natural breast tissue to remain over the implant. However, women who are very athletic or participate in competitive sports may consider subglandular placement, which doesn’t interfere with your muscle tissue.  You should share your goals and expectations with your plastic surgeon.

  3. Silicone vs. Saline

    The type of implant you choose for your breast augmentation is primarily a personal choice, but some women find that silicone implants tend to offer a more natural look and feel than do saline, although each type comes with its own set of benefits. You can discuss your options with your plastic surgeon to help you decide which may be right for you.

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September 20, 2016
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September 20, 2016