
3 Reasons Liposuction Was the Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery in 2013

Liposuction areas

With factors like the rebounding economy and Americans’ general shift toward healthier lifestyles, it is not surprising that we saw a significant increase in cosmetic procedures performed in 2013. Of the many options available for cosmetic surgery, liposuction remained the most popular procedure last year. This is not surprising, considering three specific factors that make lipo a safe, effective, and increasingly in-demand option.

1. Eliminates Diet- and Exercise-Resistant Fat

Because we each have genetically predisposed tendencies to carry fat on certain areas of our bodies, some patients are unable to rid themselves of localized deposits of fatty adipose tissue no matter how well they eat or how much they exercise. One reason everyone loves lipo is because it allows us to beat our own genetics, targeting fat that just won’t budge.

2. Can Target Nearly Any Area

Another reason for lipo’s continued popularity is its versatility. This procedure can be used on nearly any part of the body and even the face, allowing for careful sculpting to balance bodily or facial proportions. In the hands of an experienced cosmetic surgeon who specializes in body contouring, the liposuction cannula can transform a wide variety of target zones.

3. Perfectly Complements the Healthy Modern Lifestyle

Lipo is not a miracle worker. If weight loss is your goal, you’ll need to focus on adjusting your lifestyle to reach your target weight before opting for liposuction. However, once the hard work is done, liposuction is an excellent complement to a healthier lifestyle and can even motivate you to maintain your target weight well into the future.

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