Body Contouring

3 Body Contouring Procedures for Men

Tummy Tuck

Cosmetic surgery was once considered to be almost exclusively only for women, but times have thankfully changed. Recent statistics show that male cosmetic surgery has been steadily on the rise since 2000.

Whether to achieve a more youthful look, improve self-confidence or enhance appearance, growing numbers of men enjoy are enjoying the benefits of cosmetic surgery. For men who want to tone and tighten up some problem spots, there are several body contouring procedures that can help.

  1. Tummy Tuck

    Weight loss is a major achievement, but for many men, shedding pounds is only part of the battle. Once the weight is gone, excess abdominal skin can sag around the midsection like a deflated balloon. All the sit-ups in the world can’t get rid of the loose skin or add muscle definition to the abs.

    A tummy tuck can be tailored to meet each man’s specific needs. This procedure can remove excess skin for a leaner, more athletic shape. Liposuction can be included to target and eliminate stubborn pockets of fat.

  2. Arm Lift

    Whether as the result of weight loss or a natural side effect of the aging process, some men have skin that hangs down from below their arms. An arm lift can remove any unnecessary skin and fatty tissue from the upper arm to the elbow, restoring shape and definition. This can be done on its own or as part of a “dad lift,” a combination of cosmetic procedures designed to revitalize a man’s body.

  3. Thigh Lift

    Skin stretches to accommodate a sizable weight gain but unfortunately it doesn’t always shrink once pounds are dropped. A thigh lift addresses the sagging skin along their inner or outer thighs, tightening the skin and improving the contours for a toned, sleek physique.

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December 29, 2015