After Weight Loss Body Contouring

3 Body Contouring Procedures after Reaching Your Target Weight

Body Contouring Procedures

Losing a significant amount of weight is a great way to get healthy again. However, in the process, you may notice that your body ends up different in appearance than what you had hoped. It’s not uncommon for the body’s skin to hang after rapid weight loss, but there are a few post weight loss body contouring procedures that may provide the finishing touch that can help you reach your cosmetic goals.

  1. Breast Augmentation

    If you’ve had breast augmentation before your weight loss, you may want to consider updating your implants to boost any loss in natural breast tissue volume you may have experienced. Adding a lift may be necessary as well in order to perk up and reshape your breast tissue if you’ve noticed a deflated look.

  2. Liposuction

    Lipo can be a possibility in the case of more minor weight loss in order to better contour some areas of your body. Lipo itself is not used for weight loss and can’t improve the appearance of loose or excess skin, but can be performed to fine-tune problem areas that haven’t responded to diet or exercise. Examples of common target spots include a double chin, stubborn muffin top or inner thighs.

  3. Tummy Tuck

    A tummy tuck can step in where liposuction leaves off by addressing saggy skin around the midsection that can only be improved surgically, along with tightening separated abdominal muscles. In many cases, a tummy tuck may be combined with liposuction for additional contouring in transition areas, such as the love handles.

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February 16, 2015
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February 16, 2015