After Weight Loss Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tucks vs. Weight Loss Surgery: Understanding the Differences

Body Contouring

From years of working with patients who struggle to achieve and maintain healthy weights, I’m intimately familiar with both the agony of fighting excess weight and the ecstasy of finally reaching healthy goals.

There’s always a bit of confusion about the differences between tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) and bariatric surgery as they relate to weight loss. Let’s look at each procedure more closely to see how these techniques can work separately – or together – to help you achieve your health and body goals.

Tummy Tucks

Although a tummy tuck is primarily cosmetic and won’t help you lose weight, this body contouring procedure can be an excellent way to reduce excess lax skin, repair stretched abdominals and can even eliminate some unsightly stretch marks. Tummy tucks are especially popular among women who have been pregnant, but can help create a fitter, more toned look to the stomach in either male and female patients with excess skin and stubborn fat in this region.

Bariatric Surgeries

Bariatric surgery takes an aggressive approach to weight reduction in patients who are significantly overweight. This procedure actually limits how much you can physically eat and reduces nutrient absorption in order to help jumpstart weight loss in patients who are morbidly obese or have a great deal of body mass to lose in order to reach a healthy weight.

After Obesity

While the two procedures have different goals, they can often complement each other. Not all tummy tuck patients will require bariatric surgery, and some post-obesity patients have enough skin elasticity to not require tummy tucks. However, in many men and women, a combination of the two procedures can provide the ideal approach to first reaching a healthy, stable weight before following up with a slimmer, firmer waistline.

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November 17, 2014
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November 17, 2014