Mommy Makeover

Is the Increase in Mommy Makeovers Related to Age?

Mommy Makeovers

The saying goes that all good things must come to an end, but women whose bodies have changed due to pregnancy would beg to differ. There’s no reason why women can’t return to their pre-pregnancy bodies and once again enjoy sleeker contours, flat tummies and beautiful busts. As increasing numbers of women are starting families later in life, the demand for mommy makeovers has increased.

How Pregnancy Impacts the Body

Most women gain a considerable amount of weight during pregnancy to accommodate and nurture their developing baby. As the abdomen grows, skin in the hips and stomach stretches, and breasts increase in size. Although skin has a certain amount of laxity which allows it to shrink as a woman loses weight after pregnancy, skin laxity decreases as we age. This means that women who start their families later in life are less able to have their bodies bounce back to a svelte pre-pregnancy shape and may be left with sagging breasts and protruding tummies.

A Mommy Makeover Tailored to Your Needs

A mommy makeover targets the areas of the body most impacted by pregnancy. The procedure is customized to meet the individual needs of each woman, and most commonly includes a tummy tuck, liposuction and breast enhancement surgery.

How a Mommy Makeover Can Restore the Figure

A tummy tuck removes excess abdominal skin that can result from pregnancy weight gain and can also repair separated stomach muscles, giving women a firmer, flatter abdomen. Liposuction can eliminate fat that is diet and exercise resistant, offering women sleek contours and refining the waist and flanks. Finally, a breast lift, combined with an augmentation or reduction, heightens the position of breasts on the chest for a more youthful, perky appearance.

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October 26, 2015