Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift: A Recovery Guideline

Brazilian Butt LiftThanks to advancements in plastic surgery techniques and a growing celebration of curves, the Brazilian butt lift has become more and more popular across the country. During the procedure, fat taken from other parts of the body, such as the hips, waist and thighs, is purified and then reinjected into the buttocks to create a more contoured, natural-looking shape. Because the buttocks are responsible for so much of the body’s movement, an important part of the BBL procedure is allowing for adequate recovery time.

What to Expect During Weeks 1 and 2

During the first 2 weeks of your recovery following a Brazilian butt lift, it’s recommended that you refrain from sitting for prolonged periods of time. Avoiding pressure on the buttocks will help to ensure that your results will take shape without interference. Sitting on the treated area too soon can complicate the healing process and might hinder the effectiveness of the procedure. When resting, plan to lie on your stomach or sides during the first few weeks so that you get the most out of your BBL.

Weeks 3, 4 and 5

By 3 weeks post-op, most people have already returned to work. Using a doughnut or another similar soft cushion when sitting is critical to preserving your BBL results. By the third week of recovery, a light physical activity can be reintroduced. It’s still recommended that you relax and sleep on your stomach and avoid very strenuous activity during this stage of recovery.

After 6 Weeks

Most people can typically resume more vigorous physical exercise and other normal activities 6 weeks after their Brazilian butt lift. Of course, make sure you listen to your body and increase the level of physical activity slowly to allow for a safe and effective recovery that will reveal your new, natural-looking curves.

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June 9, 2016
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June 9, 2016