Breast Augmentation

3 Popular Times to Plan for Breast Augmentation

Breast AugmentationFor many women, the position and volume of their breasts as well as how they feel about their breasts can change throughout their life. Breasts that were once full and perky may start to look deflated or sag after a pregnancy, breastfeeding or with age. Or you may reach the moment in your life when you are ready to get the breasts you always wanted.

  1. After Pregnancy/Breastfeeding

    Whether or not you breastfeed, pregnancy can affect the size and shape of the breasts as you gain baby weight. After giving birth, the breasts swell with milk, and the skin and tissue stretch to accommodate the added volume. After pregnancy or breastfeeding, the breasts may not return to their pre-pregnancy shape.

    Breast augmentation can help you regain the fullness you lost and improve the shape and profile of your breasts. For the best results, wait six months after weaning to give your breasts time to adjust, then consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon about breast augmentation.

  2. After a Breakup or Divorce

    A breakup or divorce can be devastating to your self-esteem and self-confidence. Many women pursue breast augmentation at this point in their lives to improve their confidence and get ready to date again. Having breasts that help you feel more comfortable and sure of yourself can give you the boost you need for a fresh new beginning.

  3. As Aging Affects Volume

    As you age, the breasts may begin to look deflated as they lose some of their natural volumes. Breast augmentation can add fullness to the breasts and help replace lost volume. Adding a breast lift to your breast augmentation can improve the position of your breasts by removing excess skin and elevating their place on the chest for a more youthful profile. Your breast augmentation could also be part of a mommy makeover for more comprehensive results.

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June 22, 2016